Shupper-Brickle's Line Card

Shupper-Brickle Equipment

Shupper-Brickle's line card is a complete listing of all brands, products, and services offered by the company. For more information, please contact us at 800-642-7263 or

Free Bridge Crane Specifications

Shupper-Brickle Equipment

Shupper-Brickle Equipment is pleased to provide these free Engineering Specifications for a top running single girder bridge crane and underhung single girder bridge crane, compliant with ANSI B30, OSHA, the AWS and the NEC.

Design Standards for Sveda Bridge Cranes

Shupper-Brickle Equipment Co

As part of our commitment to quality, Sveda Bridge Cranes are designed and built to strict standards. Learn more about the specifications we follow for each crane.

Bridge Cranes Line Card

Shupper-Brickle Equipment

Sveda Cranes are custom-designed and fabricated bridge cranes built by Shupper-Brickle Equipment. We offer a range of capacities, spans, and lifts, tailored to your needs and existing facility. Build-Your-Own Crane Kits are also available.  Contact us for a free estimate at 800-642-7263 or . Click on the document below to view our Bridge Cranes Line Card.