Hoist Overload Devices vs. Thermal Overload Protection - What's the difference?
Andrew T. Litecky
What is the difference between hoist overload devices and hoist thermal overload protection? Read the Hoist Guy's blog post to learn more.
Do you need a manual, electric or air-powered hoist? FAQ's
Andrew T. Litecky
Welcome to The Hoist Guy's Blog, where our resident Hoist Guy Andrew T. Litecky shares his knowledge and experience of many years in the overhead material handling industry, this time with a little hoist FAQ session. Manual, Electric & Air-Powered Hoists What type of hoist is best for your uses from manual, electric or air-powered?...
The Hoist Guy's Top 5 Rules of Hoisting
Andrew T. Litecky
What are the Top 5 Rules of Hoisting? Read this list for the top things to know about purchasing and maintaining a hoist.
Top Hoist Purchasing Mistakes to Avoid
Andrew T. Litecky
When it comes to buying a hoist, cutting corner to save a few bucks can come back to haunt you. Avoid these "penny wise, pound foolish" mistakes to get the best equipment for your money.